Culturally Competent Mental Health Support

The first to answer when others need help... we're often the last to ask for it. These local organizations are dedicated to first responder mental health! 

Code 4 Counseling Mental Health Counseling for the Frontline 

Revital Colorado  A lifeline for our Frontline 

Nicoletti-Flater Associates Police Psychologists 

Mindbase Proactive Peer Support 

Lighthouse Health and Wellness Tools and Resources for First Responders

First Responder Trauma Counselors First Responder Mental Health and Crisis Response 

Mission Six A PHP (partial hospitalization program) therapy for first responders 

Resiliency & Wellness

Dispatch Stress, by Mel Hanover (Code 4 Couseling and former dispatcher) 

ReThink - incorporating medical and mental health treatments for individualized plans specific to first responders. Care for patients 10 and older. 

Sleep & Health

AXS Wellness Sleep Recovery Training for Responders 

Sleep Recovery for responders and shift work: Denver Sleep Recovery Packet.pdf

First Responder Mental Health and Susceptibility to Addiction. Dr. Stephen Odom, PhD. As presented at Level Up Conference 2023 First To Respond, Last To Seek Help- Level Up Conference 2023.pdf

My Fit Foods - meal delivery with discounts for responders. Schedule a consultation online for current deals! Local rep for metro area Kyle Goodbee 

SOPs, Forms, Procedures

Send in your SOP's, forms, procedures, etc! 

Denver 911 SOP: Peer Support Manual.pdf

Denver 911 member confidentiality form: Confidentiality Agreement 2021.docx

Research & Education

National Wellness Survey Results for Public Safety Personnel: Summary Report November 2022  National Summary Report.pdf

1 Pager - 911 Goes to Washington 2023.pdf

Dr. Sara Metz explains the Stress Continuum Model

See the fillable worksheet here: Stress Continuum Fillable Form.pdf


I began my foray into Peer Support very recently, although sometimes it feels like it's been a decade. I never set out to lead Peer Support, in fact I barely participated up until very recently. Over my call taking and supervisory career, I never used Peer Support, and knew next to nothing about it. Then, I was asked to take over our group. I attended a certification course though Douglas County Sheriff in 2022 with Code 4 Counseling, police, and sheriffs. To be frank, it was completely career-altering, and in many ways life changing to me personally. I couldn't get it out of my head.... it's wonderful that Police, Fire, EMS, and Sheriffs have some robust Peer Support circles, but what about dispatch? I know many of us joined dispatch because we love the responder world, but we're definitely the "red-headed stepchild" of the responder life. We are an add on, an after thought, a last-minute invite. This isn't anyone's fault, we're literally unseen. But I got tired of it. Where was our recognition, our funding, our research, our grants, our continuing training and education, our thanks? I'm certainly not implying that dispatch is any more important than those on the streets, but we definitely have a place at the big kids table. If you're on this page, chances are you know exactly what I mean. The things we've heard on the other end of the phone or radio are just as cruel and horrifying and heartbreaking as anything our partners see on the streets... and all we have is our voice and many, many screens. 

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Denver 911 Peer Support Coordinators

Jessica Tresch


Amber Cass